Please Read This Before Placing An Order!
These Terms & Conditions Apply To ALL Services.
Sumptuous Creations by Michael Rustin, LLC has a Limited Refund Policy.
Creating custom desserts takes time. Collaboration with customers, discussing menus, foods, the event, and dessert designs as well as the creation of custom elements for presentation can take days to weeks. This allows us to accommodate multiple hours of ordering, planning, gathering ingredients and supplies as well as delivery & preparation. Below you will find our policies, terms & conditions please take time to read prior to placing your order.
Dessert Presentation:
Please ensure that an appropriate space and conditions will be available to receive desserts/foods prior to delivery. Additionally, please ensure that the desserts are stored at the appropriate temperature until they will be displayed.
Delivery Confirmation:
If the customer is unavailable to receive the delivery, they will be responsible for having a designated representative to receive the desserts/foods at the venue. The customers representative(s) will need to sign a confirmation that the desserts/foods and all necessary items have been accounted for and delivered. The contact's name and cell phone number must be provided 3 days prior to event.
Foods and Dessert Storage:
It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that the desserts/foods will be stored/set-up in an area that is properly climate controlled to ensure that they remain intact and retain their original condition. Extreme temperatures can compromise the safety, taste, quality, and presentation of desserts/foods. Sumptuous ensures the quality of every product upon delivery and will is not responsible for inadequate conditions after accepted delivery to their destination.
​There is always a risk of transporting desserts/foods, however, if your items arrive in an unfavorable condition, we will make every attempt to correct, any issues that may have occurred during transport. Due to unexpected acts of nature, traffic, and unforeseen accidents, this is beyond the control of Sumptuous Creations by Michael Rustin. Because the contracted work is completed by Sumptuous, it does not warrant a refund.
We always photograph our foods and desserts, and we reserve the right to use any photographs for display and or promotion without notice or compensation to you